Event Details
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When:Monday May 13, 2024 00:00am


Nadus A8H is a man-made trash planet reformed by scavengers as a safe-haven and refueling station. As the population grows and the planet moves closer into the human sphere of influence it is set to become a main port of call in the ever growing planetary conflicts. You will play military advisor for your faction. Your destiny and the fate of Nadus A8H lies solely in your hands, but others aim to wrench it from your grasp. Bounties have been placed by the scavenging guild as a means to control the planet and ensure its control stays solely in its hands.


Round 1: April 1 - April 14

  • 100pts, 2SWC - 24" x 36" table - Mission 1 - Combat Maneuvers

Round 2: April 15 - April 28

  • 150pts, 3SWC - 3’ x 3’ table - Mission 2 - “The Incident”

Round 3: April 29 - May 12

  • 250pts, 5SWC - 4’ x 4’ table - Mission 3 - Ambush

Round 4: May 13 - May 26

  • 300pts, 6SWC - 4’ x 4’ table - Mission 4 - Black Ops

Round 5: 300pts Tournament - June 1st

Round 4: Black Ops - 300pts - May 13 - May 26

Kill the mercenaries! Retrieve their Cubes!


* Possess 1 cube at the end of the third game round (2 OPs)
* Possess 2 cubes at the end of the third game round (4 OPs)
* Possess 3 cubes at the end of the third game round (5 OPs)
* Possess all 4 cubes at the end of the third game round (6 OPs)
* Each player has 1 Classified Objective (1 extra OP for each completed Classified)


	300 army points, 6 SWC 

	Before choosing army lists or rolling for Initiative, each player places 2 mercenaries (each). 
	The mercenaries must be placed within 4 inches of the central line and at least 6 inches away 
	from each other mercenary. They must be placed in an accessible location. 


No HVT: Neither player deploys HVTs. Remove all Classified cards that refer to the HVT.

Soldiers of Fortune: In order to remove a cube, the mercenary must be in a dead state. Troopers from both sides can attack the mercenaries. Do not remove models representing the mercenaries, even if they are dead.

The player who has the Reactive Turn decides on the ARO of the mercenaries and controls them as though they were their own troopers during the Reactive Turn. Mercenaries always fail Guts tests.

Non-Aligned Turn: At the end of every Game Round, each merc attacks the closest player model in LoF with full Burst. Mercenaries in base contact with a player model make a CC attack. Players respond with ARO to these attacks.

Extracting Cubes: To extract a cube from a mercenary in a null state, a trooper needs to spend a short skill and pass a WIP-3 roll. If the WIP roll is failed on a 19 or 20, the Cube has been accidentally destroyed. Destroyed Cubes will not count towards Objective Points.

Players roll unmodified WIP checks for troopers with the Paramedic skill. Troopers with the Doctor skill get a +3 roll to their check instead, and troopers with the Doctor (+3) skill get a modifier of +6 instead. Doctors or Paramedics do not destroy cubes on a failed roll.

Possession: Put a marker next to a trooper who has extracted a Cube to indicate that the trooper is in possession of that Cube. Troopers can move with cubes and can carry any number of Cubes. Troopers in possession of Cubes may not enter a marker state. Troopers in Retreat! in possession of Cubes may move off the table and thus score OP.

If a trooper in possession of a Cube enters a Null state, any other trooper in base contact with a marker representing the Cube may pick it up using an activate short skill, requiring no roll.

Mercenary Stats

4-2 15 12 11 13 3 3 1 2

Equipment: Combi Rifle, CC Weapon

General League Guidelines


In order to take part in an official ITS event, players are required to bring everything they need to play, including:

  • Miniatures.
  • Tape measure.
  • Templates and markers.
  • Dice.
  • Classified Deck.
  • Army lists.
Register with your Corvus Belli ITS PIN at Official Event Manager

How to Register

Participation in official Infinity events implies knowledge and acceptance of all rules in this document as well as any rules set forth by the event Organizer.

Please feel free to ask questions or address concerns in our Discord.



You’ll receive a transmission the first day of the round for your Bounty. This is your “expected” game to play during the league. If you’d like to play more games, great! If you’d like to play a different mission, maybe one from the ITS 15 pack, feel free but just be sure to note it in the mission submission.


All participants in an event, whether Organizers, Players, or guests, are expected to conduct themselves in a friendly and considerate manner at all times. If a participant disrupts the good atmosphere of an event, the Organizer may penalize them or altogether remove them from play.

Minimum player etiquette includes giving the opponent time to clearly see the results on your dice before picking them up, sharing with the opponent all open information from your army list and clarifying it as often as requested, waiting for the opponent to declare ARO whenever you spend an Order, etc.

REMEMBER - Infinity is first and foremost a game and events should be fun for everyone involved.


Best Commander - This award is given to the player with the highest combined score of Weekly Bounties + extras.

Best Painter- At the end of the league, all players will blind vote on the player who put the most work into their army. That could mean most models finished (for a big army) or for a few standout pieces. The player with the most votes gets the award.

Best Sport - Playing Infinity is ultimately about having fun with friends (and foes) as you destroy each other’s carefully crafted armies. Good sportsmanship creates an environment of mutual respect and fellowship that ensures both players have a great time during their battle. At the end of a league, players blind vote on the best sport. The player with the most votes gets the award.

Scoring and Prize support

At the end of Rounds 2 and 4, we’ll do an auction-style raffle using credits earned by achieving milestones during the league.

Credits can be earned in the following ways:

  • 20 credits for simply participating
  • 10 credits/bounty per round
  • 10 credits/round for being fully painted and based by the end of each round. As long as various units can be differentiated by opponents and spectators, and at least 3 colors are used, full credits will be granted.
    • Partial reward (5 credits) for painted but not based
    • Partial reward (3 credits) for partially painted
    • Partial reward (1 credit) for primed

Bonus credits

  • 15 credits: Play at least one game with everyone else in the league (unless the person(s) you are missing haven’t played any games)
  • 1 credit/game: Lose your lieutenant on turn 1
    • +1 credit/game: … but still win!

Classified Objectives

In the Infinity Official Scenarios, the Classified Objectives are additional objectives a player can accomplish to get more Objective Points.

Each Classified Objective provides its Objective Points one time in each scenario. Even if the requirements of the Classified Objective are achieved again, it will not provide additional Objective Points.


In the ITS rules, you need a classified deck. If you have one, cool. If not, you can roll a d20 to select your classified cards. (Re-roll when you get a duplicate.)

For each Classified Objective, draw (or roll) twice and pick the one you want.

If you ever don’t like your Classified Objectives, you can discard one of them and use the “Secure HVT” classified objective instead.

If you get two cards that you can’t use (because you don’t meet the requirements), that’s tough. Nothing you can do but pitch one of them for Secure HVT.

Rolling for Classified

D20 Objective
1Test Run
2Experimental Drug
3Data Scan
4Extreme Prejudice
6HVT: Espionage
8HVT: Kidnapping
9Extreme Prejudice
11HVT: Innoculation
12Experimental Drug
13HVT: Designation
14Data Scan
15HVT: Espionage
16HVT: Designation
18HVT: Inoculation
19Test Run
20HVT: Kidnapping


Objective: At the end of the game, you must have an active trooper inside the Zone of Control of an enemy HVT, and have no troops in the ZC of your own HVT.


Requirements: Hacker
Objective: The Hacker must spend one Short Skill of the Order and succeed at one WIP-3 Roll against any enemy model inside his Zone of Control. The target may declare a Reset ARO even if the Data Scan is performed outside his LOF.


Requirements: D-Charges.
Special: The player must choose a Scenery Building or a Scenery Item, after solving the Initiative Roll, but before you start your Deployment, placed entirely inside the enemy’s half of the table. This piece of scenery will be considered the target of the Classified Objective. Objective: To detonate a D-Charge on the targeted piece of scenery. It is not required to make an ARM Roll for the piece of scenery. When detonating the D-Charge, the rules for Scenery Structures do not apply.


Requirements: Doctor or Paramedic
Objective: To get an allied trooper recovered from Unconscious to Normal state by using Doctor or a MediKit.


Requirements: Forward Observe or Spotlight Hacking Program. Objective: To succeed at an Attack against an enemy trooper using Forward Observer or the Spotlight Hacking Program.


Objective: To perform a Coup de Grâce against an Unconscious or Spawn-Embryo enemy model.


Requirements: Engineer. Objective: To succeed at an Engineer Roll on any allied trooper, getting it to recover 1 STR point.


Requirements: Hacker. Objective: A Hacker with the enemy HVT model inside his Zone of Control must spend a Short Skill and succeed at a WIP -3 Roll.

HVT: KIDNAPPING (replaces Retroengineering)

Requirements: Veteran Troop, Elite Troop, or Chain of Command Objective: A trooper whose Troop Classification is Veteran or Elite Troop , or a trooper possessing the Chain of Command Special Skill, must be in CivEvac state with the enemy HVT at the end of the game.


Requirements: Doctor or Paramedic. Objective: A Doctor or Paramedic in base contact with the enemy HVT model must spend a Short Skill and succeed at a WIP+3 Roll. The player can use troops possessing G: Servant to accomplish this Objective.


Requirements: Forward Observer or Spotlight Hacking Program. Objective: The player must succeed at two Forward Observer Rolls or two Spots light Hacking Program Rolls against the enemy HVT model. The player is authorized to perform this type of Attack against the HVT model.


austin escalation league

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