Informal social mini-event
Alright gang, I’m actually not going to make an OTM listing for this event because it’s informal and has less than 3 games, so I’d have to finesse the system to let me register the event.
Right now the plan is to have people show up to New World Gaming in Little Elm, Texas at roughly 11:00am to play a game or two as a community, grab some grub, and have a final time to all meet up before N5 launches!
The two missions I’m gonna say to prep for are Frontline and Supplies
As this is a less formal event than a tourney, I’m not going to require sign ups- but please leave an emoji on this post if you plan to be there so I know how much terrain to bring! If you plan on being there later than 11, let us know so we can find someone to pair you with.
Follow the event link to the Discord announcement post and let us know if you’re coming!
- Frontline
- Supplies